Are you winging it?
If you can’t answer these two questions about your small b2b sales and marketing — you are winging it.
1. Can you produce a list of your future clients?
2. What is the target ARPA of your future clients?
For the past few decades I’ve been in the trenches working with small business CEOs and their sales and marketing teams building and executing customer acquisition systems.
I love to take them from a few million in revenue to 8-figure levels.
As the digital landscape changes, so do the methods, tools and tactics.
But the part of the strategy that never changes is developing the foresight to know who your future customers will be … based on their projected Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA).
Example: Let’s say your ideal customer will spend 100k a year, with you or your competitor, to solve a particular problem.
If you want to grow by 5M a year in annual revenues, you’ll have to create a system to catch x-number of FISH of that size.
Their annual spend is always linked to their present size or other known growth factors.
>> You should be able to develop a list of these companies, and a list of people-titles who are likely to be part of the buying decision.
Then (then is where the fun starts) develop an intentional strategy to Make-It-Impossible for these people Not to become aware of who you are, and what you do.
This is the foundation to any customer acquisition system.
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